About Us
As globalization marches onward, being sensitive to cultural diversity and context is critical for business success, in addition to understanding the paradigm shifts happening around the world.
Our society has reached a major turning point due to a shift in the world’s economic center of gravity, the innovation of evolving technologies, and overall change in the global environment. This transformation affects our idea of life and business culture.
At the AGENCY Inc., we connect the best creative people from around the world who exemplify a holistic perspective in solving complex issues with creative and efficient solutions. We believe that there are no national borders in the business world. Our fluid, flexible and global practices put us at the forefront of the true integration of creativity and strategic thinking, adding value to business and society.
株式会社 the AGENCYでは、私たちはそれら全ての視点を考慮し、超越する世界中の高レベルなクリエーターを結びつけ、創造的、かつ効率的な解決策で複雑な問題に向き合います。ビジネスの世界に国境はありません。流動的で柔軟かつグローバルな働き方で、創造性と戦略的思考の統合を図ることで世界の最前線に立ち、ビジネスと社会両方に付加価値をもたらします。
Atsuko Watanabe
Owner, Creative LeadAtsuko Watanabe is a globally experienced, creative lead and the founder of the AGENCY Inc. With her strong understanding of brand strategy and marketing communications, she has been accomplishing a range of projects, including planning and design consultation for retail stores, product packaging, promotional campaigns, events, and creative workshops. Her clients represent a multitude of industries including Government, Financial Services, FMCG, Entertainment, Hospitality, and Health & Wellness.
Prior to establishing the AGENCY Inc., she was the Senior Creative Manager / Brand Manager for the largest private brand retail company in Japan. She was responsible for building brand identities and package design systems for a variety of products through market segmentation.
Previous to her work at the private brand retail company, Atsuko was an Art Director / Senior Designer at leading branding agencies both in Japan and the Middle East (UAE and Kingdom of Bahrain). She played a key role in brand development for luxurious hospitality sectors, investment companies, and others, from concept to visual execution of creative output.
Atsuko also spent a few years as Department Chair / Instructor at a vocational art and design school in Los Angeles, while being a freelance designer in the mid-2000’s.
Having lived in multiple cities including Luxembourg, London, Los Angeles, Bahrain, Dubai and Tokyo, her global perspective with a Japanese sensibility provides unique solutions to her clients’ needs. Moreover, the worldwide creative network she has built adds immediate value to global business and societies in Japan and beyond.
渡邊 厚子
代表取締役、クリエイティブ リード様々なグローバルなブランディングのプロジェクトで経験を重ね、株式会社 the AGENCYを立ち上げる。ブランド戦略、マーケティングコミュニケーション等の理解とともに、クリエーティブの視点から多岐にわたるプロジェクトを手掛ける。主に、企業ブランドやリテールストアのブランドアイデンティティ開発や商品パッケージデザイン、プロモーション計画、イベント施策、クリエイティブワークショップなど幅広く対応が可能。クライアントは政府機関、金融、FMCG、エンターテイメント、ホスピタリティー、医療事業など。
株式会社 the AGENCY設立前は、大手リテール企業、GMSプライベートブランドのクリエイティブマネージャー兼ブランドマネージャーとして様々な消費者セグメントに合わせた商品のブランドおよびにパッケージデザインシステムの開発に携わってきた。